Find Synonyms and Related Words

Amazing Word Analysis Tool : SynonymX

You can discover related words of a text, using our partner site SynonymX

The English language has millions of words that have synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms or Semantical/Lexical links with others. Thanks to these amazing word relationships, languages have more and more emotional and understandable forms. Reading a novel or following a piece of news on TV can be easier with an amazing synonym finder tool that shows different meanings of the words.

SynonymX : An Amazing Synonym Words Tool

Using the SynonymX online tool makes the readings more clear and emotional. Because some words have more than one meaning and association in them. In order to show synonym meaning groups online, you can use this functional tool.

How to Use SynonymX to Find Synonym Words?

In order to learn a word’s synonyms, hypernyms hyponyms or Semantical/Lexical link; you should visit the SynonymX website. Firstly, you should write your word in the box which is at the top and left point on the site. Then, you should click on the search button there. After these basic steps, you can learn different features of your word.

Learn the Definition of the Word

While using this amazing synonym words finder tool, you can also learn different meanings of it. After clicking on the search button, the definition table will appear on the screen. You can also word the type of the word on it such as; noun and verb.